Privacy Policy

Contact The Wiegand Foundation

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We value the relationship We have with Our customers, subscribers, and clients, and We are committed to responsible information handling practices. This privacy policy describes how We collect, use, and protect information collected from You through or by means of this Site. This privacy policy does not apply to any information collected by Us through any other means.

1. Definitions. The following terms have the following meaning in this Privacy Policy.

(a) “We”, “Us”, or “Our” mean The Wiegand Foundation, Inc.

(b) “Site” means this web site, namely, www.wiegandfoundation.organd any other related web sites We may have or establish;

(c) “You” or “Your” means any visitor to this Site, including any entity You may represent and any entity purchasing Goods or using this Site;

(d) “TOU” means Terms and Conditions of Use;

(e) “Content” or “Contents” means all text, graphics, videos, sounds, music, trade dress, trademarks, text, works of authorship, Goods, newsletters, articles, papers, features, functions, the selection and arrangement of the foregoing, and all other materials and information of any kind or nature contained on or made available on this Site; and

(f) “Goods” means the products and services described at, available at, or offered for rental or sale on the Site.

2. General Types of Information. You may provide Us with two types of information during Your visit to the Site, namely, (a) anonymous information We collect; (b) personal information that You voluntarily share with Us; and (c) information concerning the identity and location of third parties, including patients, to whom the Goods must be delivered.. This privacy policy does not apply to any information collected by Us through any other means.

3. Anonymous or Non-Personally Identifiable Information. When You visit this Site, We may automatically collect information from You, such as the search engine You used to access the Site, the previous websites You visited, the websites or advertisements You view or select, the type of Internet browser You use, the computer operating system You use, and Your computer’s IP address. We may also collect information that You disclose on the Site. We may retain third parties to place and manage advertisements or other information on the Site. These third parties may use cookies and other technology to collect information about Your visits to the Site and in order to provide advertisements or information about goods and services that may be of interest to You; this information is not personally associated with You, and We may share it with third parties from time to time.

4. Personally Identifiable Information. Personally identifiable information is information that identifies You, such as Your name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card (or other financial account) information, and other information once it is associated with Your personally identifiable information. We may ask You to provide personally identifiable information when You create an online account, purchase Goods or services, contact Us with a question or concern, or participate in other activities when You visit the Site. We may also collect publicly available information about You from other sources, such as information from newspapers, blogs, and commercial websites or third party data aggregators; we may use such information to supplement Your personally identifiable information maintained by Us. We may also collect personally identifiable information that You voluntarily disclose on the Site, absent any request from Us.

5. Information about Third Parties, HIPAA, and HITECH. You may provide us with personally information about third parties, including patients, so that we may provide the correct Goods and deliver those goods to the patient or user. To the extent it may now be applicable to Us, or may in the future become applicable to Us, we will fully comply with (i) the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), including the regulations related to the Act, and (ii) the HITECH Act and any regulations promulgated thereunder. We will under these laws, maintain the confidentiality of any Protected Health Information (as defined by such laws) transmitted or made available through the Site, and in accordance with such compliance.

6. Our Use and Sharing of Information.

(a) Fulfillment, Changes, and Communications. We use personally identifiable information for the purpose for which You provided it, such as to fulfill Your request for Good or information, to process and administer Your requests, to activate Your online account, and to allow You to participate in any public area of the Site. We may also use personally identifiable information to notify You of changes to this Site, to provide You with news, e-mail offers, and other information, to let You know about other information and Services that may be of interest to You, and to tailor Our online offerings to Your preferences.

(b) Website Analysis. We may also combine anonymous usage information collected from Your visit to the Site with that of other users to determine which features and areas of the website are most popular. This aggregated information does not contain information personally associated with You.

(c) Sharing With Affiliates, Vendors, and Third Parties. We may also update, supplement, share, and combine personally identifiable information collected from You with other information (including personally identifiable information) that We obtain from, or was secured by, third parties or by Our subsidiaries, licensees, licensors, or affiliates. In addition, We may share information you provide Us with third party vendors who provide services to Us or distribute electronic communications to subscribers who choose to receive them. If We associate information obtained from Our affiliates licensees, licensors, subsidiaries, or third parties with personally identifiable information collected by Us under this privacy policy, We will treat the acquired information like information We have collected Ourselves.

(d) Aggregated Information. We may share aggregated information with third party service providers to assist Us with collecting demographic information and improving Our Site. We may also share aggregated information with potential advertisers, contractors, investors and other third parties in connection with the sale, advertising, or marketing of Our Services.

(e) Social Networks. If You are a member of a social network service, such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or similar websites or services that You have authorized to gather information about Your online behavior on Our Site, including participation in any behavioral reporting program they may operate on or off of their own site, We may share information regarding Your activities on Our Site with such third parties, and they may associate and use that information with personally identifiable information they already have about You (such as Your Facebook Profile).

(f) Third Party Policies. When We use agents, contractors or other companies to perform Services on Our behalf, We will ask that they protect Your personally identifiable information in accordance with this privacy policy. On the other hand, You must be comfortable with the privacy policies of any other site You authorize to gather information from Us, as the privacy policies of such other sites will govern the use of Your personally identifiable information once it has been transmitted by Us.

7. Accessing and Disclosing Account Information. We may access, preserve, and disclose your account, personal information, and content, as well as report any such information (including personally identifiable information) to law enforcement agencies, if We are required to do so by law or if We believe that such access, preservation, or disclosure is necessary or desirable for any of the following purposes: (a) to comply with legal process; (b) to enforce the TOS; (c) to respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third-parties; (d) to respond to Your requests for customer service; (e) to protect Our the rights, property, or personal safety, or that of Our users or members of the public; and (f) to deal with or report any activities that We, in good faith, believe to be unlawful.

8. Use in United States and Transfer of Information. This website is intended for users from the United States of America only. All matters relating to this site are governed by the laws of the State of Missouri and the United States. If You are located outside of the United States and You contact Us, please be advised that any information You provide to Us will be transferred to the United States and that by submitting information You explicitly authorize this transfer and the processing of this information within the United States. If You do not wish for Us to transfer Your personally identifiable information into the United States, do not submit it to Us. If You provide Us with Your personally identifiable information, We will treat Your submission of that information as Your consent to allow Us to transfer it to the United States. Any personally identifiable information that We collect from You will be treated in accordance with this privacy policy.

9. Cookies. We may use cookies. Cookies are information files that Our Site may send to Your computer to provide extended functionality and to allow Us to collect anonymous data to track usage patterns, monitor activity and administer the Site. Cookies let Us “remember” information about Your preferences and allow You to move about Our Site without reintroducing Yourself. We may use cookies for a number of purposes, such as tracking usage patterns on the website, measuring the effectiveness of advertising, or limiting multiple responses and registrations. If You have entered Your user ID and password, We may use cookies to access, retrieve or store Your personally identifiable information, such as Your password, so You do not have to enter it more than once. You may disable cookies, receive a warning before a cookie is placed on Your computer, and erase cookies from Your hard drive through use of options or preferences menus in Your browser. It is possible, however, that some parts of Our Site will not operate correctly if You disable the cookie feature. You should consult with Your browser’s provider/manufacturer if You have any questions regarding disabling cookies.

10. Log Data. When You visit the Site, Our web servers may automatically collect anonymous information that describes how Our visitors use and navigate Our Site. This information includes the number and frequency of visitors to each web page and the length of their stays, as well as the anonymous information that Your web browser automatically sends to Us, such as browser type, referrer data that identifies the web page visited before and after Your visit to Our Site, and IP addresses. We also may determine what technology is available through Your browser to serve You the most appropriate version of a web page. For example, We may determine that You have installed a version of Flash, and We will then send to You the appropriate Flash version of the web page rather than an HTML page.

11. IP Addresses. An IP address is a number that is assigned to Your computer or network when You are on the Internet. When visitors request pages from Our Site, Our servers may log the visitor’s IP address. We or Our service providers may also serve advertisements based upon the geographic location of Your IP address.

12. Clear GIFs. Clear GIFs or pixels are invisible files on web pages that You visit. When You visit a page on the Site that contains a clear GIF, the clear GIF communicates with Your computer to determine, among other things, whether You have been to that page before or viewed a particular advertisement. We or Our third party advertising providers may use clear GIF to track usage of the Site.

13. Other Methods. Where authorized by law and as permitted by FTC guidelines, We may use web beacons, other monitoring technologies and third party service providers who may gather data for purposes of advertising or reporting website traffic and statistics.

14. Third Party Advertisements and Operations. We may allow third parties to deliver advertisements on Our Site or perform certain functions for Us. Our websites may also contain links to websites that are owned and operated by third parties. You should be aware that when You click on these third-party advertisements or links, You may deploy cookies or web beacons, which third parties may use to identify some of Your preferences or to recognize You if You have previously been to their website or otherwise had contact with them. Certain activities on Our Site, such a purchases, may be performed or sponsored by third parties, and You will be asked to submit personally identifiable information to complete Your transaction. We do not control how these third parties use the information they collect from You, whether collected from the delivery of advertisements to You, Your use of links, or Your purchase of products or Services, or other voluntary submissions of information. We have no responsibility (and disclaim any representations, warranties or responsibility) for these third-party advertisements and websites, including, without limitation, their content and privacy policies. We encourage You to read the privacy policies of the advertisers and websites to learn how they may collect and use information about You. If You voluntarily disclose personally identifiable information in a public area of Our Site such as a blog or message board, third parties may collect this information and use it to send You unsolicited marketing communications, messages or for other purposes. You disclose personally identifiable information in public areas of Our Site websites at Your own risk.

15. Copy of Personally Identifiable Information. You may obtain a copy of Your personally identifiable information by contacting Us at the address below, or online via Our Contact Us form. For Your protection, You may be required to provide proof of Your identity to obtain a copy of Your personally identifiable information. You may correct any errors in Your personally identifiable information by providing Us with the correct information, and We will delete Your personally identifiable information (except for Your transaction history and account and subscription information) from Our records upon Your written request. However, You may not be able to access some areas of the Site if You choose to delete Your personally identifiable information. If You are or have been a subscriber, or have received any Services from Us, We reserve the right to maintain archive copies of all communications and other documents in Our possession concerning or related to You, including personally identifiable information.

16. California. California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits guests and customers who are California residents to request certain information regarding disclosure of personally identifiable information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident, You may make such a request by contacting Us at Our address stated below.

17. Privacy of Children. We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. The Site is not intended or designed for children under the age of 18 years of age without parental consent and direct supervision. By creating an account or accessing or using the Site or Services, You represent that You are at least 18 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information directly from individuals under 18 years of age. If You are under 18, We ask that You not send Us any personally identifiable information unless You have parent or guardian permission. In the event that We learn that such information has been sent to Our Site by a person under 18 years of age, We will not create a profile or otherwise retain the child’s information.

18. Security. We use reasonable measures to ensure that the personally identifiable information You submit to Us is secure. We take reasonable measures to ensure that Your information remains reliable, accurate, complete and current. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. We and the Site will take reasonable measures, which We believe are appropriate to protect Your personal information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction; however, We cannot ensure or warrant the security of that information.

19. Changes to Privacy Policy. We may change this privacy policy at any time. We will not individually or separately notify You in the event of any such change to theTOU or the privacy policy. Thus, we encourage and strongly recommend that You frequently check the privacy policy and TOU at the Site to determine if the TOU or privacy policy have been amended or changed. Your use of this Site means that You accept the terms of this privacy policy and that We have the right to use information We collect from You, whether personally identifiable information or anonymous, as stated in this privacy policy. If You do not accept the terms of this privacy policy, You must not use this Site. Use of the Site after a change to this privacy policy means that You accept the changes made to terms of this privacy policy.

21. Contacting Us. If You have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Us any time at Our Contact Us form, or via mail at the following address:

The Wiegand Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 3800
Chesterfield, MO 63006